BUDDING young writers are invited to join a course at Cinderford Library, starting on Saturday.
Children in care and young carers have been specifically invited to the workshops, but the courses are also open to any nine to 13-year-olds in the county interested in building on their writing skills.
The council is targeting children in care and young carers for the workshops, run with Cyprus Well and the Read/Write South West project.
Deborah Gregory, who has been published by both Picador and Macmillan, and Forest of Dean author Annie McKie will be running the Young Writers' Squad workshops at the library.
Youngsters can start blogging, write poetry or just improve their English homework.
There will also be chance to talk to the authors and ask questions about their experiences.
The first session will be held from 10.30am until 1pm.
Weekly sessions will continue at Cinderford library for eight weeks.
Council leader Mark Hawthorne said: "These workshops are a great idea and should help children and young people develop a love of reading and writing."
To register for a place, email cinderfordlibrary@gloucest ershire.gov.uk.
You can also call 01594 822581.