VOLUNTEERS have met to start discussions on how to best use a £1million hub in Podsmead over the next decade.
Residents, Gloucester City Homes and the city council are celebrating the opening of a new internet cafe in the Podsmead Big Local Hub community building in Scott Avenue.
The Big Lottery Fund stumped up the cash for community improvements, including a cafe that will provide a centre for residents to discuss a spending plan for the future.
Terry Elcock, Gloucester City Homes Community Involvement Officer, said it will also help unite the community so people can share their skills. It will be offering cheap meals and refreshments alongside advice on jobs, debt management, financial advice and healthy lifestyle sessions.
"It's a fantastic day for Podsmead and nice to see the cafe prices taking into account people's current financial budget restraints," he added.
The Podsmead Big Local steering group is now appealing for community groups to take on empty office space at the building to aid community development.
The group's long-term goal is to make the building a self-financing community resource centre.
Councillor Jennie Dallimore said the scheme is an exciting new service for Podsmead.
"We now need to see residents support this community venture by using the cafe whenever possible," she said.
The cafe will be open each Friday from 9.30am to 3.30pm until Christmas.
To enquire about available office space, please contact 07912 450 049.