Stress is something we all encounter in our day to day lives but you don't have to suffer alone.
That is the message from 2gether NHS Foundation Trust's Let's Talk service, on this National Stress Awareness Day (Weds November 7).
It is important thatyou recognise when you are under stress and that it may be harmful. Most of us recognise the symptoms of stress as feeling anxious, worrying more than usual, not being able to concentrate, and not sleeping well but we don't always take our feelings of stress that seriously, assuming either that it is part and parcel of life or that it will pass.
To help people struggling with stress, anxiety or depression in Gloucestershire 2gether NHS Foundation Trust provides a Let's Talk service for people across the county.
Let's Talk is Gloucestershire's Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) service and offers information, guidance and talking therapy for people who are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed.
Alison Sedgwick-Taylor, Clinical Lead for the IAPT service, said: "Let's Talk is all about getting help early and quickly. You are not alone if you are struggling with anxiety or depression – one in four of us will experience these problems at any one time.
"We all go through difficult times and sometimes our problems can start to affect our day to day lives. You may find yourself crying a lot, getting snappy, not being able to concentrate or avoiding things you used to find easy. You may find it difficult to work or take no pleasure from everyday activities.
"It is important to recognise early signs that you are not yourself and seek help. Talking therapies can help you feel more positive and in control."
Anyone over 18 years old with depression and/or anxiety disorders and living in Gloucestershire, can access Let's Talk. This may include panic attacks, agoraphobia or other phobias, feeling overly anxious or stressed about being in social situations or about your health. You may think you need some help to cope after a traumatic event or that you have recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviours (compulsions).
The service delivers National Institute Clinical Excellence (NICE) compliant interventions, primarily Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Information and low intensity guidance is offered over the phone, via home computer or through attendance at a local college course.
Reading material is available through libraries and the Let's Talk website and you can now download a unique mobile app to monitor your mood – the Moodometer.
Service users can be referred by their GPs or refer themselves to Let's Talk on 0800 073 2200. You can access the service by:
·Talking with your GP or another primary healthcare professional such as a practice nurse, district nurse, health visitor or midwife
·Telephoning 0800 073 2200, 9am until 5pm Monday-Friday. Please have your NHS Number ready when you call
·Logging on to
·The Moodometer can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store online