THE MondayClub will meet on Monday in Leonard Stanley Village Hall at 2pm, for a social afternoon including seated exercises led by Helen Barry. For more information contact Beat Lusty on 01453 828025.
Leonard Stanley WI is meeting on Monday O at Leonard Stanley Village Hall, 7.30pm, when Mary Hill will share her experiences as a Games Maker at the Olympics 2012. All are welcome. Call 822299 or 822435 if you would like to know more.
On Tuesday at St Swithun's Church in Leonard Stanley, you can see the film Chocolat and enjoy a bring-and-share supper.
There will be live music at King's Stanley Village Hall, Fri Playing will be two fine bands, Inbetween Days from Stroud, and Kicking Up Dust from South Wales. Tickets £5 from Yew Tree Stores or Tony on 01453 822451.
A Family Fun Fair, will be at Leonard Stanley park, with lots of new and exciting attractions from 5pm-8.30pm on Friday, October 12 ; from 2pm to 8.30pm on Saturday, October 13 and 2pm to 8.30pm on Sunday, October 14. All rides £1on Sunday except the bungee trampolines.
A new Zumba class is starting, every Wednesday from 6pm to 6.45pm at King's Stanley Village Hall. Prices are £4 for adults and £3 for Under 15's. All are welcome.
Apple Day will be on Saturday, October 20 at Church Farm, Leonard Stanley. It will be open between noon and 4pm.
Organisers are alrady planning a fireworks night event at Leonard Stanley School.
The 'Plan A' date is Monday, November 5, but if it is rained off then the Plan B date is the next day. Gates open 6pm, and refreshments will be on sale. There are more details to follow.
If you have any news to be included in this column, then contact Nicola Hillary on 01453 821 904 or nicolaleonardstanley@