MOVES are afoot to relocate Stonehouse Library inside the Town Hall.
The idea of closing the existing library in Elm Road and reopening in the High Street has been floated by Gloucestershire County Council, which runs some library services.
Community concern has, however, been expressed about the possible change.
Nearly a dozen residents who were worried about the potential loss of other services currently offered at the library turned up to hear discussion of the matter at the latest Stonehouse Town Council.
"The public did voice concern that they might be losing some services because of the restricted space of the Town Hall building," town clerk Gill Jennings said.
The county's library services manager Sue Laurence said: "We have had early, informal discussions with Stonehouse Town Council about the possibility of bringing the library closer to the town centre and sharing space."
The town council agreed to launch a public consultation on the issue.
Details of how people can respond to that have still to be announced.