COMPLAINTS about litter and dog mess strewn across Hempsted Meadows has seen Gloucester City Council draft in a new cleaning team.
The purpose-built site hosts a market and car boot sale every Wednesday and Sunday.
It features 199 brick-paved pitches for traders, free parking for more than 400 cars and on-site facilities.
But in the last 12 months the council has been questioned over its management of the site, receiving dozens of complaints about the messy aftermath of events.
John Casebourne, from Gloucester, said: "Hempsted Meadow continues to be littered at the end of each event that is held there.
"Despite my complaints to the council there appears to be no litter picking.
"On February 8, I met with council officials pointing out where the problem areas were, but they preferred to blame the litter problem on wind blowing it onto the site from Secunda Way rather taking responsibility.
"To be fair, since I raised these issues the site has improved but there are still problems."
Since the complaints, the council has changed its cleaning team and it waits to be seen whether or not the situation will improve.
A city council spokesman said: "The council has reviewed its contract for the cleaning of the Hempsted site and a new contractor has been employed to clean the site following events. There is clear signage informing users it is an offence to drop litter and dog walkers are reminded to pick up after their animals."