VIEWS from St Mary's Church tower were well worth the 100-step climb.
Visitors who paid to take the tour helped Painswick's Christian Aid fund total reach the dizzy heights of £2,174.
Churchwarden David Bishop's head for altitude helped him guide the climbers up the church's narrow and steep stone steps which spiral 75ft to the top of the tower.
The former rock climber said: "They could walk all round the base of the spire. It was quite safe with the parapet.
"There is a lovely view from the top, all over Painswick. We had about two dozen people in groups."
Mr Bishop said he thought many of the people climbed the tower to get a view of their houses.
They also got a bird's eye view of the 99 famous yew trees in the churchyard.
There was even the chance for visitors to see the workings of the St Mary's clock and to take a turn at pulling a bell rope in the special ringers' room.