What's your favourite Gloucestershire day out?
Sitting in my garden in Tredworth with a book and my parrot on my shoulder.
And your favourite place to eat out in the county? Sabino's takeaway in Barton Street.
What's the worst job you've ever had?
Unblocking overflowing raw sewerage following a charity event.
Have you got any unusual habits?
A bit OCD with cleanliness in general.
Who is your hero and why? Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, for setting the finest example in every characteristic a human can possess.
What book are you reading at the moment or tell us your favourite?
The latest Terry Brooks fantasy novel. It's called Blood, Fire, Quest – Dark Legacy Of Shannara.
What was the last film you watched?
The Hobbit.
First single/record you ever bought?
Bob Marley Kaya LP.
Facebook or Twitter? (And what is your twitter handle/name?)
Neither – I am blissfully illiterate of these distractions.