ONE of the country's oldest cricket clubs is fighting for its future, and today the Echo launches a campaign urging people to help.
Charlton Kings Cricket Club has been embroiled in a legal battle with wealthy Cheltenham widow Jacki Mitchell, 63, over part of its outfield.
And the cricket club could go out of business if it is unable to hang on to the land at Ryeworth Fields which makes up a fifth of its grounds.
Members had started to use the land, which was then owned by an Arthur Mitchell, many years ago.
But two years ago, Ms Mitchell, Arthur's daughter-in-law, claimed it belonged to the family.
The Greenway Lane club has since racked up about £120,000 in legal expenses, and another £120,000 is needed to continue the fight, with a hearing expected in the High Court in London in June.
The battle has been on going for more than 18 months, and the club is trying to raise money for its survival.
Now the Echo is appealing to people to donate to the club to make sure it survives whether it wins the court case or not.
The money will help it continue its legal fight and find a new home, if necessary.
Geoff White, the club's cricket development officer, said the club, which was founded in 1885, could potentially close if they lost the case.
Its closure could mean the end of the road for the 170 young cricketers at the club aged between six and 17 years old.
Mr White said: "We currently have three kids representing the club at Gloucestershire County Level within their age groups, and have produced thousands over the years.
"Young cricketers have played here for as long as the club has been running, but over the last 10 to 15 years that has grown significantly.
"More cricketers are using the club than ever, the club is critical to the Charlton Kings and Cheltenham, and even Gloucestershire.
"It is a community club, and everybody that lives in Charlton Kings loves the cricket club.
"We have many supporters from the community in Cheltenham, and throughout the county. It is an integral part of the community here.
"We are not just one of the important clubs in the north of the county, but our ground has games and activities running six days and nights a week during the summer."
The club currently has six adult teams, three Saturday teams, one Sunday team, one midweek team, a ladies team, and eight children teams.
Should the club close, Mr White is almost sure young cricketers will no longer be able to play on.
He added: "Charlton Kings has seen a cricket club within its community for more than 130 years, and its closure will have a devastating impact on the local community – from sports and the importance of outdoor activity, to community with so many volunteers supporting the club locally, from the tea lady onwards.
"It will have an effect on a wider scale as it's one of the three biggest clubs in the north of the county.
"Where will 170 youngsters find cricket? There will be no way they will all be able to.
"If we lose, it will almost certainly spell the end for the club.
"If we win, we can concentrate on what we do best, offering a quality sporting experience for everyone within its local community.
"We are doing all we can and are hopeful still, at this late stage, that common sense prevails."
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