PROTESTERS have launched a campaign to stop new parking rules from being introduced in part of Cheltenham.
The county council has proposed a series of changes in the Ashford Road area in Leckhampton, which would include the introduction of resident-only permit parking.
Roads which would be affected by the scheme include Brandon Place, Edward Street and Suffolk Street.
Residents have mounted a campaign to stop the scheme and are calling on people to join them in opposing it before a consultation period ends today. Posters hang in the windows of some properties saying "No Thanks" to the changes.
Anthony Bourton, who lives in Brandon Place, said: "Many of us believe this scheme is completely wrong.
"While we accept some localised measures may be appropriate in some streets with tighter parking, it will create problems in some roads where currently parking is fine.
"With more double-yellow lines planned for some areas, that will squeeze parking in an already busy part of town."
As part of the plan to create a "Zone 9" in the town, the county council has proposed permit parking only in some streets between 8am and 8pm. Permits would have to be purchased at a cost of £80 each.
Other roads would have mixed use areas with both permit parking and two hours free parking, with more double yellow lines installed in places.
Emma McTubbins, who lives in Painswick Road, said: "A lot of people don't have a driveway so would have to pay for the privilege of parking outside their own homes."
However, some residents were in favour of the changes.
One man, who asked not to be named, said: "I know it has created a lot of controversy, but I haven't heard too many logical reactions as to why this shouldn't happen."
Jim Daniels, parking manager at Gloucestershire County Council, said the moves were a bid to protect residents' spaces from commuters, who flood the area before walking into town.
He said: "We received a petition from residents in the area asking for a permit zone to be created in these roads because of a perceived increase in commuter parking. We investigated the issues and found there was a parking problem in the neighbourhood. Working with the community, we have come up with proposals for permit parking and parking restrictions and have been consulting on possibly implementing the scheme."
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