Partying mums who locked their children up in a cold room for 12 hours while they partied walked free from court today.
A judge told the pair it would harm their children, who cannot be named for legal reasons, further to be separated from from their mothers for the length of any jail sentence.
Only the needs of the children had kept the women out of prison, said Judge Euan Ambrose at Gloucester Crown Court.
The court heard that the women, aged 25 and 26, drank heavily at the home of the older mum in Gloucester after putting their children to bed on the night of April 25 last year and then decided to go out to a pub.
Prosecutor Julian Kesner said they left the flat sometime between 10pm and 11pm and after drinking in a pub they went on to a party in someone's flat where they stayed all night until about 11am the next morning.
Full story to follow.