Adventurer Bear Grylls is taking on his own reality TV show which will see celebrities pushed through their paces in the rainforests of central America.
Mission Survive, on ITV, is described as an "epic 12-day survival mission" in which Grylls's celebrity expedition team will be "pushed to their physical and emotional limits".
Grylls, who will return to Channel 4 later this year in the second series of The Island, will eliminate one contestant at the end of every episode before the crowning of the "Mission Survivor".
He said: "This show is all about empowerment and I am so proud of how the celebrity team who joined me on Mission Survive performed.
"It was without doubt a tough expedition, but also a very life-enhancing adventure for everyone involved.
"I would set them daily survival missions and would then regularly back away, leaving them to their own devices, so that they would learn by doing it and making mistakes. That's the source of all genuine growth in a survivor.
"I was looking for the qualities that a survivor in a real life scenario most needs: positivity, resourcefulness, courage, determination, and a whole heap of bloody mindedness."
Grylls will be joined by expedition and survival expert, Megan Hine, and former commando, Scott Heffield, who are expected to keep an eye on the celebrities.
He will give daily briefings to his team of adventurers testing them at every turn on the "fundamental principles of survival" shelter, water, fire and food.
Grylls, whose US series Running Wild on NBC has featured celebrities including Channing Tatum, Ben Stiller and Zac Efron, is also making another show for ITV, Britain's Biggest Adventures.