Members of Safer Gloucester took to the streets in the city centre last Friday evening to look at issues of concern to late night revellers.
Officers from the Council, Police, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust and city councillors set up a gazebo in Eastgate Street with music and Christmas decorations to set the scene.
Between 10pm and midnight 127 people were asked how safe they feel in the city centre on a Friday and Saturday evening and what they could do to improve their own safety, even getting to meet newly elected Police and Crime Commissioner Martin Surl.
71% of night clubbers said that they feel safe or very safe in Gloucester and reports show that many people are attracted to the city centre because of the atmosphere, liking the fact that most of the venues were on one street for convenience as well as safety.
When asked "What do you and your friends do to stay safe?" the strong answer was "Stay together and ensure that no one was left alone". When asked what else they could do, the reply was "To drink less".
Gloucester's Chief Inspector Richard Burge said: "These responses were particularly reassuring as Safer Gloucester has been promoting a sensible drinking programme for a number of years now, together with the key message 'If you go out together, make sure that you go home together!'"
Councillor Jennie Dallimore, Chair of Safer Gloucester and the newly formed Nightsafe Group said, "It was great to talk to so many people to help point out what the priorities are for them. We will take the results back to the next meeting in January and discuss the way forward. Already we have secured commitment for the renewal of lighting in Eastgate Street from the County Council and a new city centre CCTV system from the City Council so together we are determined to make a difference and keep the commitment in the Safer Gloucester Plan 2012-2013 – 'To work to ensure that residents and visitors to Gloucester City Centre on a Friday and Saturday night are and feel safe.'"
Further information about Christmas Crime Prevention and other advice on staying safe and protecting yourself and your property is available on the Partnership website