STREET dance troupe Inspire showcased their talents on Saturday.
A group of 20 dancers performed at an Autumn Fair at Lonsdale Road Methodist Church in Elmbridge.
They enthralled families with their routines during a break in selling.
Opened by former church minister the Reverend Richard Atkins, the fair included crafts, cakes, toys, a tombola and books.
The two-hour fundraiser drummed up more than £1,160 for church funds.
The money will be used to help pay for much needed remedial work in the church and also support its ongoing work in the community.
Senior church steward Anne Gaze said: "Given the current tough economic climate we are delighted at raising this amount.
"A big thank you to everyone for their wonderful generosity.
"Thanks must also go to the stall holders and young people plus some local traders for their support in helping to make this fair such a magnificent success."