You have one month left to nominate for the Citizen of Gloucester Awards for 2013 which includes the Chris Witts" Young Person of the Year 2013 Award".
As a former Mayor of Gloucester Chris Witts is only too aware of the good work that the youth of this city does. Much of it goes unnoticed, thus one of the reasons he began the award in 2010. He would meet groups of young people on a regular basis and noticed how much good work they did for the community. Mostly it was looking after the elderly, something we think young people would not want to do. Other things he noticed were the personal achievement against all odds, to reach their goal, whether it is in sport, exams or public service.
You must know of someone who you think deserves recognition for the work they do in the community or at home. Young deserving people shy away from publicity, but please get hold of a nomination form and nominate the person you think is a suitable candidate to win the award.
You can nominate anyone, but they must either live within the city district boundaries or work with residents, communities or businesses in Gloucester. They must be under 18 years of age.
The winner will be announced at the presentation to be made at an evening civic reception hosted by the Right Worshipful, the Mayor of Gloucester, on Friday 1st March 2013.
The closing date for nominations is Friday 16th November 2012 and to receive a nomination form simply telephone 01452 396396 or email:
The young people of Gloucester carry out some amazing work, now is the time to make sure they receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work.