Residents and businesses based in the city centre and Hempsted are the next to be encouraged to have their say at the city council's next city plan event.
The Westgate event, which takes place on Thursday 4th July at St Mary's Congregational Church from 3.30pm -6.30pm is a chance for all those who live and work in the city centre, as well as those living in Hempsted to let the City Council know what their vision is for the future.
The event follows a number of successful events held across the city to help the city council build a plan for Gloucester until 2031.
Residents are being asked for their thoughts on proposed new developments and how existing community buildings and open spaces could be better used.
By developments the council doesn't just mean where shops and houses are built, but also what is missing.
For example are there enough community facilities, school places and health practices for the existing people within communities and those moving into the area.
City Council Leader Paul James said, "Each area of the city has its own unique character. The Westgate ward of the city boasts a number of historical and cultural assets including the Cathedral, The Guildhall, Blackfriars Priory, Docks, as well as important scheduled monuments and listed buildings.
"It also has a significant amount of regeneration currently happening, including the current housing development at the old college site in Brunswick Road, which should help rejuvenate this area and the plans for Kings Quarter.
"Following a number of successful events to draw people into the city, including themed markets and festivals throughout the year, we know we still have to do more to make Gloucester a place people want to live, work and visit.
"I hope those living in the city centre and Hempsted do take the opportunity to let us know what is great about living where they do, as well as what improvements they think could be made in the future."
For those who were unable to attend a consultation event in their area there is still a chance to take part, either by attending one of the other consultation events, or by completing the online survey at
Residents are also being asked to upload images of why they love living in their area onto the city council's twitter and facebook pages.