Seventies style is showcased in Stroud on Friday for the Merrywalks Vintage Fashion Show.
Models will step out on the catwalk at 5pm to celebrate the 1970s, the era which welcomed The Merrywalks Centre to Stroud.
It will feature vintage outfits alongside the High Street's hottest 70s-inspired trends.
Outfits have been sourced from the centre's tenants New Look, Roman and Select. Original 70s clothes have been purchased from local vintage shops such as Time After Time, Strangeness & Charm and Duffle Vintage Outfitters.
Fashion students in their first year at South Gloucestershire and Stroud College are styling and modelling some of the outfits and the show will feature Stroud FM's Vintage Hour presenter and Time After Time owner Dave Ireland as compere.
"The fashion show is gaining momentum and we're looking forward to it," said Bill Wrather, owner of Merrywalks Shopping Centre.
"It has been fantastic to work alongside the students from the Stroud campus whose insight and knowledge of fashion is excellent.
"It will definitely be a first class event and we'd like to encourage people to come down and support it."
The show is free and will be in the covered part of the lower mall, outside Roman Originals and opposite the Master Cobbler.