THIS weekend, Gloucester became the focal point for thousands of county residents and visitors as people descended in their droves to the Tall Ships Festival.
Living close to the Docks, there was a concern how the roads would cope with the crowds but any traffic fears were allayed as this supremely organised event went off without a hitch.
Not only was it easy to get in and out but the one-way system around the Docks meant people could get around the ships and form orderly queues to get on board.
Even Mother Nature fell in line providing high temperatures to crown off what was a fantastic spectacle for the city.
The City Council, Marketing Gloucester, Gloucester Quays and everyone else involved in this event deserve a pat on the back for a well-organised, lively festival which was full of personality and charm.
There are some amazing backdrops in Gloucestershire from the Five Valleys to the Forest of Dean and beyond but what this weekend has proven is just what a stunning setting the Docks is for a festival and we need more of this going forward.
It truly came alive this weekend and hopefully it attracted new visitors to the city who will now return persuaded by the atmosphere of the event.
RICHARD Graham is right – Beastie is Gloucester's Banksy.
Not everyone sees this street art as a positive addition seeing it simply as graffiti or vandalism.
But while it does have its critics, done well, this work really can bring character to a stretch of soulless wall or hoarding.
There has been talk of whether the city could one day have a street art festival similar to those in Bristol and elsewhere and why not?
There is so much artistic talent here and why couldn't we channel this to brighten up derelict space and help put the city on the map for its creativity.