STAFF members from the University of Gloucestershire will be holding a bake sale to raise money for Comic Relief next Thursday.
The Student Services Department from the university will be celebrating Red Nose Day this year by organising a bake sale on March 14
It will be held at the chapel rooms at the Francis Close Hall campus.
There will also be a competition for the title of Student Services Star Baker 2013. The cakes will be judged by two judges, and cakes will go on sale from 12noon.
Members of staff and students are invited to the event to help raise funds for the charity day.
Stewart Dove, director of student support, said: "We've got some keen bakers in our department so although we know that this is going to be a tough competition, it will also be a lot of fun and a great way to raise money for Red Nose Day 2013.
The Student Services Department from the university will be celebrating Red Nose Day this year by organising a bake sale on March 14
It will be held at the chapel rooms at the Francis Close Hall campus.
There will also be a competition for the title of Student Services Star Baker 2013. The cakes will be judged by two judges, and cakes will go on sale from 12noon.
Members of staff and students are invited to the event to help raise funds for the charity day.
Stewart Dove, director of student support, said: "We've got some keen bakers in our department so although we know that this is going to be a tough competition, it will also be a lot of fun and a great way to raise money for Red Nose Day 2013.