Hundreds of students at Sir William Romney's School in Tetbury have taken part in a new Youtube craze - Lip Dubbing.
Staff and students filmed themselves lip synching to Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' and uploaded it to Youtube.
A core team of three students took on the task of organizing, filming and editing the Lip Dub: Jed Palmer, Will Mustoe and Joseph Sharpe.
Jed said: "The Lip Dub allowed me to use skills that I would not normally use in school, building on directing, cinematography and editing. I was very proud to be an integral part of this project and will be taking the things I have learnt onto future projects."
The Lip Dub craze started in America and is catching on fast here in the UK.
Miss K Hopson, Assistant Head teacher at the school said: "I was delighted by the way in which everyone in the school community threw themselves into the project. It confirmed what I knew already that our school is a warm and welcoming community, that offers new and exciting opportunities to enrich the curriculum for all our students."