Beer lovers in Gloucestershire are being encouraged to grow hops to be used in ales.
Tom Wood has launched the Gloucestershire Grow Beer project, which aims to get people together from across the county to grow a dwarf variety of hops in their back gardens.
He said: "In late September the hops will be harvested and used by the team at Gloucester Brewery to make beer. When it's ready, the growers will come together once more to toast their success over a pint or two of the beer they've helped create, which will also be available in local pubs.
"These aren't the type of plants grown across neighbouring Herefordshire and Worcestershire that you need to be on stilts to pick, but a dwarf variety called Prima Donna that can be grown easily, anywhere from an allotment or a sunny spot in your back garden, to a big a pot on a balcony."
When everyone's hops are ready, they'll be harvested and taken on the same day to the expert brewers at Gloucester Brewery, based at Gloucester Docks. They will be added to a brew to lend it the tangy qualities that give beer its irresistible taste and smell.
A few weeks later when the beer's ready, all the growers get together for a launch party at the brewery to enjoy a few well-earned pints.
Tim added: "You don't need to be an experienced gardener to give it a go as hops are very straightforward to grow. In fact they're perfect to get kids to help with as they grow so rapidly, almost as you watch them. They just need some rich soil, a bit of sun and a drop of water and by the early autumn, as long as you keep the pests away, you should have a plant full of beautiful, bright green hop cones ready to harvest and add to the brew.
"The project is based on other Grow Beer groups that have been growing and brewing successfully for the last three years or so in communities across London and Cardiff. The idea is that all the growers share the journey to hop success and support one another during the growing season, sharing tips and advice on what's working and things to look out for, in person and on social media. It costs £20 to join, the price of a few pints in most cities and Gloucestershire Grow Beer will provide a pack containing everything you need.
"It includes the all-important rhizome, the underground root system from which your Prima Donna plant will develop, coir string to train it along as it grows, and a guide to help you make the most of your hop plant."
To get involved, contact Tim at