Cannabis could be the secret to clear and healthy skin, experts say.
New products which contain ingredients of the plan promises to sooth skin conditions.
Women may now have the perfect solution to beat acne and dry skin. But don't panic, it's not the same marijuana some people smoke. There are two main species of the cannabis plant, cannabis indica, which is in marijuana, and cannabis sativa, which is the main ingredient in the skincare, the Daily Mail reports.
One brand championing the ingredient, also known as hemp seed oil, is Carun, which uses extracts of cannabis sativa in its range.
The brand explain that is it the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) content that causes the marijuana high.
Cannabis sativa, however, contains very little of the psychoactive chemical with the brand's products containing around 0.3 per cent, whereas marijuana typically contains 20-30 per cent.
With anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties, the extract is said to sooth and heal skin conditions such as such as acne, rashes, dry skin, itchy irritated skin, blisters, insect bites, post-trauma and scars.
An exceptionally rich, green oil, is has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any vegetable oil; antioxidants are prized for their anti-ageing properties.
It is also full of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Dr Alexis Granite, Consultant Dermatologist at Cadogan Clinic, said: "Active cannabinoids, such as those found in the Carun product range, have shown promise in improving a variety of skin conditions, including acne and eczema.
"Cannabinoids are powerful antioxidants that may work by reducing inflammation and especially when combined with hydrating oils may help in maintaining the skin's natural barrier function."